Computer Revolution That USA is Bringing in Pakistan

Computers are penetrating in our lives at a very fast pace. Banking, Communication, Health, Education, Sports, Entertainment, Information, Transportation, Architecture and interior decoration, Graphics, Textile and Product Design, Marketing, Advertising, Management, etc., are all totally dependent upon the effective use of computers. In fact the concept of life without computers has become synonymous to Stone Age. As the use of computers has increased its penetration in our everyday life, the importance of computer graduates has also gone very high. Today there are millions of computer applications and millions more are in the process of development. The growth of computers is phenomenal.

There is a saying that if the aircraft industry had grown at the pace of computers, every household would have an airplane parked in the backyard. Computer graduates have an option to work in the global markets; therefore their demand is also global. At USA, they are exposed to all the important computer subjects preparing them to lead the profession with new ideas and vision. Admission in the computer programs of USA are strictly granted only to those students who have a competitive learning environment.

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