Gemini Outlook for 2012 (Year 2012 Romantic)

Saturn will run its final series of tests in 2012 in your creativity and romance sectors. Hopefully you've gotten clear about where your boundaries lie, and what (and who) you need to say no to in order to remain true to your highest principles. You've learned the hard way what you will and won't tolerate in your love life, and you can now apply this wisdom to a current (or future) romance. You have until October to master those deep karmic teachings since Saturn won't return to this area of your chart for another 27-and-a-half years.

With the planet of sexual energy, Mars, revving up the base of your chart for the first half of the year, you'll have more than ample mojo to see you through. This is an unusually long time for Mars to occupy one particular sign - it's been in your fourth house since November 2011. And once you get your groove back, Mars moves into your romance sector in July to make a sweet contact to Venus while touring Gemini. 2012 is set to be your summer of love!

The planets work in perfect succession to keep you in the sunshine of your love all the way through December. Venus, the goddess of beauty and love, will grace your constellation for an extended visit between April and August. It will be retrograde between the end of May and June - right during your birthday season - so don't be surprised if ghosts from your romantic past make an appearance. And with the arrival of autumn, you'll still have many planets singing you amorous tunes. Venus will enter your romance sector at the end of October to continue the theme of love, beauty and pleasure. To sum up this delightful conglomeration of love transits during the second half of the year: You'll go from high-energy to pronounced libido to romance to creativity to sexuality to love to commitment (or break-up) and back - all within the span of six months!

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Good and Informative Suggestion / Comments are well come